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Experience the difference of learning a true, unified method with,
Chord Melody for Everyone
This magnificent course created by Dana Rasch is simply a reflection of his lifelong love of Chord Melody which has been one of the most important aspects of his playing for over four decades. After studying for many years with world renown chord melody player and educator Ted Greene, as well as with Dana's mentor, the award winning Jazz educator, Dick Grove, this insightful, systematic and completely 'genre inclusive' program has developed into the unique and exciting course it is today.
As with all of Dana's year long programs, a complete overview of 'Grove harmony' as applied to the neck, is provided, and has been consistently refined over 30 years, making these fantastic ideas more accessible and a fun process for all students regardless of style or what specific goals they may have. The Chord Melody program starts at a beginning level with few pre-requisites and ends at a very advanced and sophisticated area, with students doing "in depth" work on arrangement creation.
Though 'Jazz' applications are studied in the final lessons, the intent is for all students to develop an understanding of how each idea is easily transferable to any style. Many new sub genres of popular music are fusing together everything, from Rock to BeBop. and it is becoming clear that sophisticated chord types, are no longer specififc to any one genre you use them, is what creates the style! Being a extreme fan of all genres, students will definitely appreciate Dana's rare ability to "nail' one style after another when showing different examples. If you're desire is to build a strong foundation in this specialized type of guitar playing, and are looking for a serious and systematic curicullum that will become a dependable reference for a lifetime. This program is for you !
Comes with free
limited Email support.

Monthly Zoom Support with Dana is available starting as low as $100 per month.
Video excerpt from
Advanced Chord Melody 1
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